Princeton Forrestal Center

A sculptural approach to signage brings new life to a 1970s Corporate Park.



Princeton Forrestal Center, Princeton University’s Corporate Office, and Research Complex, lies just minutes from the main academic campus and downtown Princeton. This vibrant 2,200-acre real estate development had not updated its campus identification signage since opening in 1974.  The Center commissioned LVCK to address the modern requirements of a premiere corporate park. A lot had changed in fifty years. The roadways accessing the campus were now 50 MPH, thus the scale of existing monument signs was woefully inadequate.


In modernizing the monument signs, LVCK sought to create a timeless, elegant, design that would not detract from the pastoral landscape. Using Richard Serra’s forms as inspiration, the solution was deceptively simple. However, our team knew success would be in the execution – fabrication, and installation.

Success in execution meant that LVCK developed 3D models, physical mockups, and continued to refine the construction documentation upon each review. Our team was onsite during installation, making adjustments as required. Upon installation, the monument sign gained notice, inspiring “copycat” signage updates to other corporate parks along Route 1.


Ben Franklin Transit


Princeton Station